Friday, December 16, 2005

haven't updated in a while

Artin out of no where "AARGHWWWOOOOHHH!!!"
brent *long pause* "are you alright?
Artin "How is that any of your concern? WoooooooWWOo!"

skippest skipper lets spread some skippy in the skippers skippy hole.

you need to go home and bath in a bathtub of beer

I heard, I ain't speak no anglish

Artin must shave artin must shave, it must suck to be a girl.

red wings, I've earned my red wings with buffalo sauce, woot, looky looky santa your balls are enlarged!
(and yes that was all one sentence said all at once, and no it doesn't make more sense in context)

that is SO lame it makes my cock go limp

contextual concockery

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

more - the same day

come sit on my lap, let me stroke you, but you'll have to bend over and remove your butt plug

(A note about the 2 below they are in responce to nothing he just says it out loud)
porn-a-lishious more-on
purple beach motha-fucka

my dick also grows but from something different, it's not the pope (or "poke" couldn't hear very well)

my balls are larger than yours, my balls are larger than yours, my balls are larger than yours, my balls are larger than yours!!! Because I had a brownieeeee!!!

I'd love to be an uncle fucker
brent, "what? You want to fuck uncles?"
no I said I want to fuck ankle, I want to fuck ankles I'm an ankle fucker

rubba rubbish, rubbish, but I prefer to rub it.

A starting point

We have been keeping a list of the odd things that come out of artins mouth everday. This list has been going for only two days so far, insane.

Things artin said 11/21/05 - 11/23/05:

ya'll are communists, I wanna kill you all.

I hate cock soup!

He's looking at boobs that are photoshopped endlessly
me:"which ones"
I don't know.

can I eat you spider?

are those nipples and boobs?

no more colostrum for artin

confusion in the cocklisious villa of cockaville

render the titties!!!! I shall render the titties once more

ok, so who wants quesidillas

gorilla lambchop goodness

I'm so big I'm going to explode

We need to have some ejaculation

my peepee is going to poop on your face

if I could lick your testicles, I would

show me the money, so I can show you the honey

my bung hole is tp'ing on my face

you and me, holding hand, in the shower

how about some cash!!

Time to see my bung hole and see if there's shit there

this is good I wanna have a baby!

as long as the don't have their periods, it can get kind of wet in the bed

how about you buy me a butt plug for thanksgiving so I can give it a try, preferably chocolate flavored